Saturday, August 15, 2009

Belated Review of ArticlesBase

Aloha from The Internet Explorer! Sorry if the post is a bit late.

This week's topic has been Making Money Through Writing Articles. The last post before the weekend (The Internet Explorer is off on the weekends, folks) is going to be about Articlesbase.

Articlesbase is a combination of Ezine and eHow. It doesn't have strict limitations like Ezine, but focuses also on the authors, too. It's also somewhat Knol-like, keeping things on a casual level (e.g., 5 Funny Love Poems). If you spend enough time and carefully choose your keywords, you'll certainly find a few gems.

Each category has its own subcategories, making things a bit easier to navigate. There are quite a few off-topic articles in each category (Looking in the Antiques sub-section, I found an article about modern diesel engines). This can get a bit annoying for someone who's used to crisp, clean, and strict categories and search results.

Again, writing an article allows you to make money with AdSense, promote your website, and gain some repute among the throngs of amateur writers.

From ArticleBase's website under the "Why should I submit Articles?" section:

he benefits of submitting articles to ArticlesBase:

1. Free advertising:

Your author bio box is your tool to promote your own website and personal brand that can be used to gain unlimited visitors to your website. Remember, the people who read your article will want to read more about the same topic that you have written about, so be sure to send them to more content on the same topic.

2. Viral marketing:

RSS can be a gold mine. RSS feeds are so popular today that you can gain an amazing amount of traffic by simply submitting just one article in a directory. You publish one article to a directory and that same article can begin appearing on countless other websites. This technology is called RSS (Really Simple Syndication). The power of RSS is simply amazing and there are many big websites that can post your article on their website resulting in a flood of site visitors.

3. Boost your personal and business credibility:
Publishing your articles on boosts your credibility and begins the trust cycle with your readership. For many authors, being listed with is an excellent way to get started, especially if you are hoping to be a published author.

4. Bring traffic to your site:
The distribution of your article can result in anyone reading it. This alone gives you an opportunity to pick up business that you couldn't even begin to market for. Imagine if your article about technology was posted on a business website or business article directory. Now the potential for business executives to be swayed by your writing ability and buy your product for their company to use is unlimited.

5. Generate sales and leads without having a site:
Even if you do not own a website, having an article online can act as your website. Just make sure your article is well written and doesn't sound too commercial. Your article can be an example of your business and can include contact information like your email address to allow potential clients to reach you. Again, make sure you have completed your bio to let people know who you are.

6. Massive exposure to millions of ArticlesBase visitors:
Your articles can be viewed by the millions of visitors who visit ArticlesBase every month. Once you get one reader, you can convert him into a fan by posting many articles on ArticlesBase.

7. Reach the unreachables
Submit articles to ArticlesBase and reach those customers who you couldn’t reach before. The more quality articles you have, the more likely those readers are to come to your website.

8. Get continuous traffic to your website – for years
We don’t remove articles that have been submitted to ArticlesBase, which means that your articles can continue to bring traffic to your site for years to come. Your articles may get picked up and reprinted years later – the possibilities are endless.

9. Join one of the fastest growing sites on the web
ArticlesBase grew tenfold just last year! That means more readers for you and more opportunities for exposure.

10. Become part of a great community
The ArticlesBase community is very supportive and diverse. Your audience can easily reach you, but without giving up your privacy. We will soon begin rolling out many new community features that will make it even easier for you to interact with your readers and fellow writers.

11. The best article statistics on the web
ArticlesBase has the most extensive statistics you can find on the web. Use your statistics to better target your audience, for example by seeing what search terms brought people to your article.

Start submitting your articles by opening up your free author account and agreeing to our terms of service.

We do not charge for article publication or pay for content submitted. We run advertising on our site to help us keep the site running free of charge.

Overall, this is a more casual posting website than EZine, and recommended for beginners who want to get their feet wet. But for a more advanced affiliate marketer, advertiser, or writer, this is not the way to go.

The Internet Explorer rates this site

Two Stars * *

Join The Internet Explorer next week for a new, surprise topic. Happy weekend, everyone!

That's all from

The Internet Explorer

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